Friday, August 8, 2014

Good News Report – Feng Shui Edition # 1

I am reading a great mini book called Fung Shui – The Art of Living.  I will take some information from the book and also give you some of my personal observations.

“Feng Shui is an ancient and respected Chinese art, the essence of which is living in harmony with our surroundings.  Our outer life reflects our inner life and hence, by creating the correct balance In our living and work environments, we create inner peace and improve the flow of energy in our daily lives.” 

Yesterday I visited a real estate money lender at an offsite office building.  There was a side office with 3 cubicles as I entered the building.  The room consisted of one solid wall and the rest of the room was filled with floor to ceiling windows that were not so clean.  This small office was devoid of all energy and it made me feel sick just looking at it.  I do not think that anyone would have a chance of being successful at selling or following up with a client in that room. The room I described above had no window coverings, dirty windows, many sharp corners and florescent lights. That being said, it is crucial to be evaluating and reevaluating all areas that you both work and live in.  If we do not pay attention, we may just be sabotaging ourselves.  The key is to pay attention enough to see what is right in front of your face.   Here is a great example of using a plant to harness the energy of a glass office.

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