Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good News Report

Today is issue one of my " Good News Report "!

So often we all think that we have to be talking. Filling the silence with whatever is on our mind. When in fact sometimes we have nothing to contribute but just empty words or our unsolicited opinions. The good news is that if you try to actively listen to the other person, you may indeed have something to talk about. And you may even be able to make a difference and contribute some real advice or help as needed. So today the good word is....Listen.....

I can remember a listing appointment I was on a few months ago. I was sitting there asking questions and taking notes. I clearly remember asking a question and waiting for a response. It seemed like forever but in reality it was about 3-4 minutes before the wife responded. That was a long 4 minutes. However, that 4 minutes produced a well priced listing with an added bonus for the buyer's agent. Needless to say the home sold with 4 offers for $5,000 above the asking price. What a difference 4 silent minutes can make.

Be prepared to listen to your boss, co-workers, clients, kids. You never know what they really want to say. Just be prepared to gently close your mouth and your world may just change for the better.

Be encouraged and have a nice day!!!

Jim Mauldwin
"Real Estate Sales By Referral"

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